About me

 Hi, my name is Amelia Febriyanti, I am the first child of 3 siblings. I will tell you a little about my childhood. on February 10, 2005 I was born in Bandung on Thursday at 18.05. At that time my parents gave me a beautiful name, namely Amelia Febriyanti. and the name Febriyanti was taken from my birth month, namely February. when I was 3 months old my parents sent me to my grandmother's house to raise me, finally I was taken to Subang where my grandmother lived. then, my parents left me at grandma's house and they went to Bandung because they live and work there. Time went so fast that finally when I was 1 year old it was there that my parents returned to Subang to pick me up and brought me to live in Bandung with them. time went on until finally I was 5 years old and I was enrolled in an early childhood education school called HAPPY. when I first entered school all I felt was joy and happiness playing with friends, singing, chatting, making and crafts. when I was little I liked to take part in competitions that smelled of arts or crafts, for example I once took part in a painting competition and I won first place, I was very happy because I got a trophy then the second time I took part in a dance art competition and won third place, and I once took part in a craft weaving contest and won second place. I really liked my childhood because apart from that I also recited the Koran at a mosque called al - Muslim. there I met new friends and learned new lessons about religion. from there I also prefer to understand and explore religious lessons because it is very interesting and unique to me. when I had stepped on ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (SD) apart from that I also participated in the quiz competition winner at the Islamic New Year event 1438 H. me and my team won the first place in the quiz competition with the best predicate and I am very happy and happy for my achievement. there is one thing that I remember until now, namely, when I was in grade 4 elementary school I had participated in a fashion competition and unexpectedly I won first place and as a class representative from 6 classes who also took part in the competition I was very, very grateful when my achievements were I am still a child.


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